What some writers said about the WGA strike on http://unitedhollywood.blogspot. com/...
"So how do we get our point across, to people who don’t understand why we’re doing this? The best way I have found, is to say: everything on the internet? We get zero. They get everything. They get millions and millions and eventually billions and billions, and we get zero. And the “they,” here, is basically six of the biggest baddest companies in the world, run by men who annually receive salaries and compensation well north of 50 million dollars."
And from Creative Screenwriting e-zine...
I'll give you an example [of why they are striking]-- the series Heroes," said Bernard Lechowick. "The writers and creators of Heroes earn nothing in reruns," he said. "Nothing. Because there are no reruns on television. They're all online, and in the past year tens of millions of people viewed the show in reruns online, and each of those tens of millions of viewings had paid advertisement on it. And the writers earned nothing from that. Not a penny."
"DVDs seem to bethe new residuals," says television writer David Graziano. "Things aren't airing on TV anymore. They're either on the internet or they're being released on DVD." But with the contract agreement reached in 1988 setting rates at a mere four cents per DVD..."
So, these are just some of the things we need to keep in mind when Heroes runs its season finale December 3rd. And, in 4-6 weeks there will be no new episodes (this season) from Desperate Housewives, the Office, or most other shows that are not reality TV based. The writers (in my opinion) have good reasons for striking.
youtube video from the staff of The Office
power to the writers!
I agree with everyone else, I wasn't quite sure what it was when i first saw it. But after reading this I'm willing to try it! It sounds interesting....
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