Monday, November 19, 2007

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

We live in a winter wonderland!

These pics were taken about 5-10 minutes from our apartment.

It is so beautiful here! We are so blessed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Culture Shock

I am not currently in culture shock, however I was shocked by something I learned in class yesterday.

In America, I have heard the expression, "The Good is the enemy of the Best." I took this to mean that we should not be satisfied when something is just "good".

Yesterday I learned that the French have a similar expression. "The Best is the enemy of the Good." This means that if something is good, we should leave it alone. You can completely destroy something good if you mess with it just in order to make it better.

Wow! That explains a lot about the differences in our 2 cultures.

Please do not take this post as a judgment of any kind. It's just an observation!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Writers' Strike

To All my TV Watching and Downloading Friends...

What some writers said about the WGA strike on http://unitedhollywood.blogspot. com/...

"So how do we get our point across, to people who don’t understand why we’re doing this? The best way I have found, is to say: everything on the internet? We get zero. They get everything. They get millions and millions and eventually billions and billions, and we get zero. And the “they,” here, is basically six of the biggest baddest companies in the world, run by men who annually receive salaries and compensation well north of 50 million dollars."

And from Creative Screenwriting e-zine...

I'll give you an example [of why they are striking]-- the series Heroes," said Bernard Lechowick. "The writers and creators of Heroes earn nothing in reruns," he said. "Nothing. Because there are no reruns on television. They're all online, and in the past year tens of millions of people viewed the show in reruns online, and each of those tens of millions of viewings had paid advertisement on it. And the writers earned nothing from that. Not a penny."

"DVDs seem to bethe new residuals," says television writer David Graziano. "Things aren't airing on TV anymore. They're either on the internet or they're being released on DVD." But with the contract agreement reached in 1988 setting rates at a mere four cents per DVD..."

So, these are just some of the things we need to keep in mind when Heroes runs its season finale December 3rd. And, in 4-6 weeks there will be no new episodes (this season) from Desperate Housewives, the Office, or most other shows that are not reality TV based. The writers (in my opinion) have good reasons for striking.

youtube video from the staff of The Office

Monday, November 05, 2007

A 3-bedroom in Marseille?

Check out this apartment! Lord willing (and the owner waits for us to get all the money and paperwork finalized) this will be our home in Marseille! Thank you for your prayers.

Please keep praying!

Mentanna found it a week ago. Here are some pics:

Here's the link: