Thursday, January 25, 2007

Getting Here...

Okay... so this story is from a few weeks ago, but it contains a big praise!

Well we have made it to France. God has already been good to us during our travels. We went to the airport about four hours early to check-in our 11 bags of luggage. Yes that is what I said 11 bags. It may seem like a lot but try to imagine your whole life for a year in 11 bags. They fill up very quickly! The board only pays for 4 extra bags and we had five. We had resigned ourselves to pay for the extra bag even though we were not happy about it. Well, we got to the airport (four hours early) and checked in. Even though our bags were a bit over the weight limit the lady let them though. Then after all the bags had been weighed and tagged she said, You have five extra bags but I will only charge you for four of them. Man was that a relief, Daniel tried to hold his excitement in and just say thank you, it was difficult.

Our precious Claire enjoyed the plane ride so much she did not sleep for the whole nine hour flight. Actually, you know how kids since when you are almost to your destination so they choose that moment to fall asleep. That is what Claire did. We were about 2 and 1/2 hours from Germany and she decided to fall asleep. They turned the lights on at 2 hours and began to serve breakfast. OH the joys of toddlerdom.


Anonymous said...

yay! you made it!!

but why are you only packed for a year? i thought you were going career?

Anonymous said...

Yea, I found you. I love reading your newsletters and updates.
I love you and will talk to you soon in French. Ah ha, I too can say anything in French...."anything in French"

Anonymous said...

I got the videotape of the IMB missionary appointment service today. I haven't watched it yet, but I wanted you to know I got it.
Can't wait to see it.
Love you =^..^=

Herb Ingram said...

Congrats on your arrival. We miss you! We will be keeping up with and praying for you regularly. Thanks for the newsletter!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you made it through the hardest part (getting there)! Keep in touch.

deanna said...

i get to see you in like 2 months. i have wanted to call you so many times over the past few weeks. i miss you guys so much.

Anonymous said...

You are back in blog world. Yea!! I can't wait to see you in 2 months!! And the Campbells, and Deanna, and Chuck...It's going to be awesome!! Let me know when you guys have a home base for contact info. Love you!!