Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have a lot of deep, blog-worthy things to say, and then I forget them all before I get to a computer!

We have been waiting for our container (crate) from the States; in the meantime we have been filling our apartment with a lot of stuff from Ikea!

You know you have been to Ikea too many times when your three-year old prays like this:

"Dear Jesus, thank you for Daddy and Mommy and my friends and our 'par'ment and all of our furniture."

Pictures of our new sofa coming soon!


Mentanna said...

i love the new look! and finally a new title. you done good girl. ain't that beta blogger grand?

Claire's Nana said...

I like the new look too. Sorry we missed your call today.

Dee Ann said...

I found your blog when I googled the song "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock" to use in my blog. It was so fun to see that there is a third verse. I have enjoyed my visit to your Land Far, Far Away.
Blessings, Dee Ann
