Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Suddenly, I have a lot to blog about! Here's the first thing. This is more of a question than a blog, but I would really appreciate your responses. I could write pages on the background of this question and why it is driving me crazy, but I will try to limit the story to a few lines.

I believe in the power of prayer. (For my friends who follow other teachings or no teachings, please hang in there with me, this question is for you, too.) Recently, I prayed and prayed for what I THOUGHT was the best solution to a big problem, but God had other plans. He said, "No." But yet, I still have faith and I still have hope.

Paul encourages us in the New Testament to “always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have in you.” Why do I have this hope? I KNOW I DO have this incredible hope, a peace that is beyond my understanding, and a faith that I can rely on. But, WHY do I have this hope? If sometimes the answer is, “No,” why do I continue to “know” that everything will be okay?

So, here is the question. Actually, here are the questions (plural):

Christians: Why do you have the “hope” in you?
Friends of Other Faiths: Why might the “hope” seem crazy to you?



Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

Wow, good questions!! I guess my hope comes from knowing that God knows better than I and, ultimately, His plans will bring about more joy and peace in my life than my own plans will (even if His answers are hard to take when I'm going through them). It sounds a bit selfish to say it like that, but its true. He's proven Himself faithful in the past, so its easier (note, I didn't say easY) to trust Him again. So I suppose in short, His track record and His wisdom is my reason....

Brittany said...

glory, what a difficult question. I'm actually trying to figure out the whole purpose for prayer and how to have faith in God even if His answer is silence or "no." I think the thing I keep going back to is God's character. My hope isn't in God answering my prayer like I've requested nor is it in my expectation for a fair and good outcome. My hope is in God's character and my trust that (despite all appearances) He loves, cares, is able and has a plan.

It's just trying to figure out that plan that sometimes trips me up.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have the "hope" in you?
My opinion on the "hope" is that at certain times in your life whether what you are praying for or not the "hope" is what gets us through to the other side of the mountain. In my life personally the "hope" was the only thing that I felt that I had I was alone, and had noone to turn to and the bright light of "hope" that was there deep down in my heart kept my face and my heart pointed to God when all that I could see was darkness. I believe that "hope" can give us wings when our feet and our spirits are low. At times I even believe that hope is God's way of getting us through the testing periods of life that help us grow in faith and even understand to take us to that higher power of wisdom.