I miss little yellow school buses! Claire’s class took a field trip across town to watch a puppet show this last week. Marseille is the 2nd largest city in France, so it was quite a trip!
We took 24 four- and five-year olds on the metro here in Marseille. First, we walked a mile to get to the metro stop (so that we wouldn’t have to change trains). We had to spread out the kids among us, try to hold as many hands as possible, and walk beside the busiest and largest street in Marseille. Did you know that you can actually hold up to 6 little kids’s hands at the same time?? Then, we shoved all 24 kids on the train in the 13-20 seconds that the doors are open. Then, we had to shove all of them off again at our stop. (I think the conductor waited for us!)
After the teacher got finished arguing with the controllers about the price of the tickets for our kids, she asked me if it was like this in the States. All I could think of was a little yellow school bus that drops kids off right at the entrance to a museum or park.
We had a great time having our picnic, playing at the park and watching the puppet show.
On the way back, I was reminded once again that we now live in another world. All the kids drank from the same water bottle. Yuck! But, they were thirsty.
Vive la France.